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The Archives

February 2006

March 2006

April 2006

May 2006

June 2006

July 2006

October 2006


Saturday, March 25, 2006
as i wrote this, i am filled with lots of feelings. sad and touched. i mean. i know we are all sad after all losing the julia gabriels debate and most of us cried because our coach reprimanded us for not doing our best. but we know in our heart, that in whatever debate rounds, we have PUT in our VERY BEST. there is no round in which we are slacking. imagine 1 week with everyday staying up to 7 plus just for the sake of winning, just for the sake of getting into the finals, just for the sake of getting a name for ourselves and getting reprimanded by our parents for not concentrating on our studies.

anyways, i would like to say a BIG thank you to whoever have help me. and as follow is a personal THANK YOU message to all debators and coaches and teachers.

Firstly, the youngest junior, : Amanda Foo
Amanda, I really enjoyed working with you. and now you don't regret being pulled in by Isaac and Suxin right. As everyone says, you have the POTENTIAL within yourselves. Work hard and you definetly can do it !! And you are also a very good speaker. You are JUST secondary two. there is a long way you can go. 2 more years, in BOWEN and make a good name for BOWEN.
good luck AMANDA, great JOB !!

Secondly, my fellow friend, : Johnathan
Johnatan, I know you felt sad when you know we did not get into semi - finals but that's ok. after all, we have come so far, and we are just a first timer in this competition. we still have 1 year in BOWEN and we definetly have next year to strive for. so Johnatan, you can do it. a fellow third speaker who can be too "hyper - active" in debates. =) good job. rock on.

Thirdly, my fellow senior, which sometimes can speak nonsensical stuff in impromptu debates, especially, : Isaac Tan
Hmm, Isaac, firstly, thanks for what you have written in your blog. i feel so touched. =) and secondly, really a BIG thank you for your nodding during debates that ALWAYS keep me going. and thirdly, thank you for also giving me feedback comments, on my articulation and pronounciation.
in all, rock on as a senior!! and a BIG THANK YOU

Lastly, my fellow senior too, which was rumuored to have a scandal, but do not have (don't know lei, maybe have =P) : Lim Suxin Suxin is my fellow DEBATE senior and DRAMA senior. So, it is really saddening for her to graduate this year. because i will MISS her in DRAMA and DEBATE.
In all, I am very glad working with her. With her around, you can never stop hearing laughter, be it evil or kind. she is always the one bringing laughter to the group and it was fun with her around so SU XIN, rawk on for whatever you have done. and THANK YOU !!!! THANK YOU !!

Not forgetting, my fellow coach in NS, : Alvin
Alvin, thank you for making our team "LAME". a really big thank you for teaching us how to debate properly, what is a proper base line argument, how can the white gorilla be dangerous!!, and lots others.
we will definetly miss you like nobody's business but who cares. Hope your NS will finish soon, and come back to coach us again. great luck in your NS.

And Aqilah,
thank you for whatever you have done throughout the past 1 week.

To conclude all, i really never ever regretted staying up so late every day to do debate, because in all, what have I learnt is not just how to debate but general knowledge and most of all, we as a TEAM we bonded. not just any convalent bonds or ionic bonds (lols) but STRONG, SOLID BONDS, that no one can ever break it.

What have I learnt is also my strenghts and weaknesses and my team mates' strength and weaknesses. we learnt about "lame jokes" and we had nick names for each other,

Amanda Foo = Piglet or Spare Ribs
Johnathan = Tin - Man or "Bai Zhan Ji"*(in Chinese, this is called White Boiled Chicken)
Eugin (Me) = Mashimaro or Winnie the Pooh or Roasted Pig (S)
Suxin = Bobo or Vegetable
Isaac Tan = Eeyore or Roasted Pig also but (XXL)

i really love you guys and what i have to say is

Monday, March 20, 2006
hmm.. i got a laptop from my school. yeaz, i brought it home. cool. now in my sleeping room, with my laptop on my mattress. hmm... coolz. that's one of the benefits of being a debator. =) another benefit is you get to eat FAST FOOD almost every friday. i mean alternate fridays when we have debate rounds. pizzas, macdolnalds. argh sick of it. i mean isaac the freako just brought home a laptop also. now watching "twinkle spark spark" yea. direct "translation" hahas. =) anyways, my bag just tore. =( omg. what bag am i suppose to bring tomorrow. *confused* haha. just had our case done. i better stop telling bout what our case is. because who knows some fuhua spies might come and read my blog, trying to freak me out. hahas. nah. i am not going to be freaked out. =) fuhua versus bowen. hope i can win fuhua and go on to beat at least zhonghua or bukit view sec. well. it is a win-win situation. if it is bukit view, then good because we are back to previous opponent!! if it is zhonghua, it is my friend's school (felicia heng). yupx. so i quite EXCITED !!! anyway, might blog later =)

Thursday, March 16, 2006
i am now in the Cheng San library. doing some research for my debate stuff. well. =) i am feeling so tired now. -.-'''' well. now listening to some library ANNOUNCEMENT. this computer so lag. argh. laggy. SUPER LAGGY. hahas. something going through my mind now. DORM. i watched it. not bad. QUITE scary. 3 and half stars for the m0vie. it talks about a guy called Chartlee. he was studying in a school (6th grade) and his father asked him to move to another school with "better standard" studying 7th grade. he felt so reluctant to move to that school because he had 2 good friends, no ... 2 BEST friends in that school so ... when he moved to that school, he heard about several GHOST tales about that school. then he met a FRIEND who was EXTREMELY friendly to HIM. and then it found out that "HE" who claimed to be Chartlee's friend was a .... GHOST. he died when he was drowning in the pool. well. i know it doesn't seem SCARY after all but GO and have a look. the storyline is good. nice. but SCARYness is like 2 out of 5 stars. only sound effects. anyway. got to go. bye*

here i am at home. blogging away. before i go out. worried about my sec 2s who are busy with the production "The Stage is YOURS". well. i received the motion yesterday. versus fu hua secondary. the motion goes "...." i cannot say out the motion. -.-''' well. we did an impromptu debate. motion given by issac. but to me. that motion was crappy. REAL CRAPPY. "This house belives that the legalisation of euthanasia is a necessary evil". i was on the opposition side and we intepreted the motion as "the motion must fall because legalisation of euthanasia is a neceesary act however not evil in nature." is that even wrong !!! well. fufu spies might come to my blog and see here see there. so can't reveal too much. by the way. last time for the bukit view's round. we spied on one of the speakers blog. but that wasn't too much right. hahas. got to end here. =)

Sunday, March 12, 2006
woo hoo. we won the friday debate. MY happiest moment of my life is when MARK GABRIEL said "1st in place of C' Division "BOWEN SECONDARY SCHOOL". wow. extremely elated. =) piglet was THE best speaker of that debate. bukit view secondary was not bad too =) next week is march holidays. finally a week of break. =) no need wake up so early =) gotta end here.

Friday, March 10, 2006
I am really fed up with my results. got 19th in class and 48th in level. poor results. never expected it. well. i am here in the english homeroom with isaac tan whistling away. he is such a lamer. i got c6 for most subjects. yucks. hate secondary 3 life. hate sec 3e1. i just read amanda's blog. and whoever reads my blog. let me clear the air for amanda. i mean it is not amanda's fault. i read her blog. and know what is happening. guyz. do not blame her for using such "crude" words to describe you all. but you all must learnt SELF RESPONSIBILITY. try being in my shoes. where there is only 3 weeks left to rehearse and each session last lest then 1 hour. learn to BE QUICK. being a drama actor. learn to be SERIOUS at some times. do not laugh all way long.

Thursday, March 02, 2006
hais. one week has past and tomorrow. we are getting the MOTION. really scared. nervous. today we had an impromptu debate. cool. it was on AIDS. well. we were matured enough. hey people. MATURE THINKING. woo hoo. finally exams over. i mean common test. but i treat them as exams. feel like flunking them all. take today's mother tongue. the paper was so hard. argh. i did not do question worth 8 marks. out of 70. cool huhs. i never ever did that before. i don't know why. perhaps i am just STRESSSED out. thinking why is there thriple s ? because i am stressed out too frequent. hahas. well. i have to go. but hope i can b!og again.

hais. one week has past and tomorrow. we are getting the MOTION. really scared. nervous. today we had an impromptu debate. cool. it was on AIDS. well. we were matured enough. hey people. MATURE THINKING. woo hoo. finally exams over. i mean common test. but i treat them as exams. feel like flunking them all. take today's mother tongue. the paper was so hard. argh. i did not do question worth 8 marks. out of 70. cool huhs. i never ever did that before. i don't know why. perhaps i am just STRESSSED out. thinking why is there thriple s ? because i am stressed out too frequent. hahas. well. i have to go. but hope i can b!og again.

hais. one week has past and tomorrow. we are getting the MOTION. really scared. nervous. today we had an impromptu debate. cool. it was on AIDS. well. we were matured enough. hey people. MATURE THINKING. woo hoo. finally exams over. i mean common test. but i treat them as exams. feel like flunking them all. take today's mother tongue. the paper was so hard. argh. i did not do question worth 8 marks. out of 70. cool huhs. i never ever did that before. i don't know why. perhaps i am just STRESSSED out. thinking why is there thriple s ? because i am stressed out too frequent. hahas. well. i have to go. but hope i can b!og again.